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Quickstart tutorial


To register, fill out the form that you can find under Get Started on the SliceX AI home page. You will receive a confirmation email once you get approved. Now follow the link in the email, sign in to the Developer Portal and change your password. You will be enrolled in the free Basic Tier by default.

View/Change Subscription Tier

SliceX AI partners with Stripe to manage users' subscriptions. To view or change your subscription, you can either click on the Billing tab (you might need to authenticate at this time) or click on the View/Change Subscription Tier button that can be found in each API page. For more information about subscription tiers, please refer to the Pricing Section. Also we recommend you take a moment to review the terms (including changes to Billing) that come into effect on changing subscription plans- both upgrade and downgrade. They can be found under FAQs here.

API Keys

To access the app's API keys, visit the Developer Portal and sign in. Your API Key can be found in the Dashboard tab of the portal. For more information, please refer to the Finding your API Key tutorial.

Get Started

Once you have your API key you have everything you need to start making requests! Check out the SliceX AI Predictor section for inference requests and the SliceX AI Trainer section to train models.

For a detailed list of all the SliceX AI™ Cloud Platform API endpoints and commands, please refer to the API Reference section.