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Pricing Calculator

Our pricing scheme is straightforward, upfront, and easy to understand. The cost of a training job depends on the task and the size of the dataset, and is computed based on the number of equivalent units it consumes:

  • Text Classification and Sequence Labeling jobs count as 1 unit. Question answering jobs count as 2 units.
  • Datasets (unzipped) under 200MB count towards 1 unit.
  • Datasets (unzipped) above 200MB count towards 2 units.

For example:

  • Text Classification job with a 15MB dataset: 1 unit
  • Question Answering job with a 500MB dataset: 4 units
  • Question Answering job with a 150MB dataset: 2 units

The maximum dataset size (unzipped) that is supported is 2GB. For information about pricing plans, please refer the the Pricing section.